Sunday, 11 August 2013

I really need to apologise I haven't been blogging in a very long time. I have had a slight bad patch but never the less am now able to reflect on the past and move on with my future aspirations. I am heading back to sixth form in September to try again and i'm really looking forward to it.

Less about me and my life lets get this blog back to where it was..

P.s I have another tattoo :)

Saturday, 11 May 2013

Your Body

“ For the record, I honestly don’t give a fuck how much cock you suck. Suck a thousand cocks. Suck a million cocks. There’s no such thing as a slut. That’s just a lie they told you born out of male anxiety. Anxiety about adultery and misattributed paternity.

Sex isn’t sinful either, though you can trace a lot of sexual repression and misogyny back to the Abrahamic religions. Before Emperor Constantine tried to replace the pagan religions with Christianity, they used to have sex in church. Sacred prostitution. Happened a lot in Mesopotamia, for example. And the Mesopotamians weren’t stupid either. They invented the fucking wheel.

It’s your body to do with as you please. If anyone tries to dictate a dick limit to you, they’re trying to take ownership of your body. And that’s slavery. If they call you a slut, that’s slavery. And I refuse it. Suck an infinite number of cocks for all I care. Just enjoy it.

Friday, 10 May 2013


Trust. Trust yourself enough to know that no matter what life dishes out to you, you can handle it! Promise yourself that, no matter what, you will not abandon yourself. This means, regardless of your relationship, you will take active steps towards strengthening yourself: doing the things you love to do, staying connected to family and friends, learning new things, expressing your creativity, honoring your spirit, and taking care of yourself physically. You need to agree (with yourself) that you will seek professional assistance if you are unable to do these things by yourself. When you master this step, you have greatly diminished the need to trust others, those over whom you have no control. It is great to feel that we can trust other people, but we shouldn’t need to trust them to be okay. We need to trust ourselves to handle whatever happens regardless of what other people do. Even partners who are typically trustworthy may go astray at the spur of the moment and since we can’t control anyone else, the need to trust others isn’t as important as the need to trust oneself. Perhaps most important of all is trusting the divine plan to provide the perfect learning experiences.

Thursday, 9 May 2013

I am beautiful (and so are You!)

I’ve decided to change the way I think. Which is not as easy to do as it sounds. Of course I can write that sentence out as much as I want and it doesn’t make it true.
But I am going to really try.
Because you see, I have felt self conscious about my appearances for far too long. I’m getting sick of being down on myself all the time. It makes me exhausted, it makes me feel bad about who I am.
Instead I am going to try adding a line to my personal mantra and say it every morning.
It was before— “I am a strong, intelligent young woman and I am going to have a good day.”
Now I am going to say— “I am a beautiful, strong, intelligent young woman and I am going to have a good day.”
A simple change, but an important one.
There are so many different forms of beauty, I refuse to believe that I do not have any of them. We all do. Whether it’s our smile, the way we walk, or something you can’t really see at all (compassion, intelligence, patience, etc.), we all have something that makes us uniquely beautiful.
I know this sounds trite but my inability to value my own self worth has been a major road block in my attempts to work through my anxiety. So it is important for me (and many others) to be able to push through this road block.
We all have something to offer, something that makes our lives worth living. That is our beauty.

Sunday, 5 May 2013

A Post On Insecurities!

I've been thinking a lot about insecurities recently, namely my insecurities and how I feel about myself. Like many girls, I feel I have a lot wrong with me. Things I wish I could change both on the inside and mostly the outside, things I think about every day but can't change no matter how much I try. 

I know a lot of girls feel like this but not many people can talk truthfully about it but I just wanted to say - I'm here for you and I completely get it.

I've always struggled with the way I've looked. I was never teased at school or anything, it was more how I felt about myself at the time - I thought about it that much, that even now that I look completely different, I still feel the same. I still feel horrible and disgusting 99.9% of the time. I grew up on the internet, on tumblr looking at all these drop dead gorgeous girls and I always wondered WHY IS THAT NOT ME? 

Why is my nose so big? Why is my hair so flrizzy Why is my face so wide? Why am I so short? What's wrong with my chin? Why don't I look like everyone else? 

The truth of the matter is, I'm never going to look like I want to, so why not embrace it? I've tried, trust me I've tried but it's ending up with me masking my face in layers and layers of makeup. If someone sees me without makeup, they don't realise it's me. I've literally been drawing my face on these last 2 years out of insecurity. It's not healthy. 

But that's just it - I've realised IT'S NOT HEALTHY. For anyone. For me, or for you. Most of us feel insecure when we are reading magazines or looking at photos of other girls. But just look at yourself! You're probably laying on your bed, in your pyjamas, with your hair up in a scruffy bun and wearing no makeup. No wonder we feel like crap if we are comparing ourselves to other girls when we are chilling out in our rooms. We haven't got makeup on and we haven't been excessively photo-shopped. This is something I have to keep telling myself. Nobody looks like that in real life, so why keep comparing myself to something that doesn't exist without the aid of computer magic? 

There's no such thing as perfect and we are all beautiful in our own way! 
Sure you might think you have a funny smile, but it's your funny smile and it's what makes you different from everyone else. 

Our insecurities make us beautiful. 

I climbed the tree to see the world

I was looking for some inspiration for my second tattoo, I knew I wanted something on my wrist that symbolised anxiety and depression, without going into too much detail because that is not what I want to do I just wanted to find something to symbolise what I think I've been through. Anyway I stumbled across this design I quite liked...
I typed the quote into google wondering what it meant, When I realised it was song lyrics, I had never heard the song before but now it is probably one of my favourite songs I highly recommend you give this video a little watch, its no official music video but a home made video, its so emotional and simply brilliant and gets me going every time.

Thanks, Abbie

Monday, 29 April 2013

Sh!tty Internet

I can not apologise for the lack of content over the last 2 weeks, I spent a little while in a very rural environment which was extremely picturesqueness however the internet connection shall we say lacked slightly. I did shoot over 1600 snaps though, which to be honest I now can not be bothered to edit. I have been to some amazing markets and bought what I feel is some great buys, (lets not mention the fact I have spent £500 and I don't really have anything to show for it...)

On the other hand I am now back in tourist city, where I can tan nicely on the beach (I haven't tanned at all so far and have been here.. what... 2..  3.. weeks.... ohh)
I will be uploading some more posts soon sorry again.

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

More from my tattoo experience

Here is just another little picture of my experience getting my tattoo, I love it, I love the size and I love the design. Ahhh :)! Everyone says this looks really painful but its just not, it doesnt hurt at all.

I'm going to end this post now and hopefully decide on my next (post not tattoo:P)

My First Tattoo

I got my first tattoo yesterday, regardless of being underage I knew it was something I really wanted. Here in Thailand I dont think there is any age restrictions for these things, or certainly if there is they are alot more relaxed than Britain (where I live). The Tattoo Parlour I went to was well maintained and as much as people worry of foreign shops as this, I can certainly say I wouldn't get better back at home even if I was the age of consent. I dont need to go into the ins and outs but I checked everything, they used a new needle, properly sterilised equipment  and on a whole I could not ask for more of the experience.

Here is my new tattoo-

I'm now going to begin to explain the meaning and the inspiration of this tat-

I started by having a vague idea that I wanted something meaningful so set out looking through tumblr for some ideas of what others had and how I could make it my own.

I found these designs and realised that I wanted a bird,  to represent a missed loved one (ie my uncle who passed in mid 2010). after deciding on the idea of the bird I realised I wanted something with a little of a twist. I did like the 'alightly sound' design as I thought it related to me well because I can be so gobby and talkative when infact i'm more of a shy character. but I felt i needed something abit more me, because that design looked abit to 'indie':P for me.

So I continued looking and came across the following design again on tumblr

once I had seen this I knew exactly what to do, to put a daisy (flower) in the beak of the bird. I looked at both the most common daisy and the yellow daisy and decided I would go for the rarer option.

Saturday, 13 April 2013

Giveaway Ideas

I am planning on doing a giveaway and running it while I am abroad and ending it so I can post as soon as I am back in the UK (May). I was thinking I could buy some unique items to give away, like homemade traditional bracelets and things.. Does anyone have any ideas?



The most obvious celebration of Songkran is the throwing of water. Thais roam the streets with containers of water or water guns (sometimes mixed with mentholated talc), or post themselves at the side of roads with a garden hose and drench each other and passersby. This, however, was not always the main activity of this festival. Songkran was traditionally a time to visit and pay respects to elders, including family members, friends, neighbors, and monks.

Besides the throwing of water, people celebrating Songkran as a Buddhist festival may also go to a wat (Buddhist monastery) to pray and give food to monks. They may also cleanse Buddha images from household shrines as well as Buddha images at monasteries by gently pouring water mixed with a Thai fragrance  over them. It is believed that doing this will bring good luck and prosperity for the New Year. In many cities, such as Chiang Mai, the Buddha images from all of the city’s important monasteries are paraded through the streets so that people can toss water at them, ritually ‘bathing’ the images, as they pass by on ornately decorated floats. In northern Thailand, people may carry handfuls of sand to their neighborhood monastery in order to recompense the dirt that they have carried away on their feet during the rest of the year. The sand is then sculpted into stupa-shaped piles and decorated with colorful flags.
Some people make New Year resolutions - to refrain from bad behavior, or to do good things. Songkran is a time for cleaning and renewal.

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Off I pop.

Sorry for the delay of blog and vlog posts I have done recently. Thingd have been very hectic with getting organised. Safe to say im at the airport now enjoying a nice latte watching the planes before hitting the limited shops there are here at newcastle international airport.

Farewell speak on the other side:)


Thursday, 4 April 2013

Blogging from the apple shop

I have to confess i'm having a slight heart to heart here with the imac i'm using... I've fallen in love...

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

New Hair

Hi Guys! Look>>>

 Yes I look Pretty Different <<

I got my haircut especially for going away and i'm not going to lie, I am quite proud, I went from Pretty much Black hair to a nice coppery gingery sort of colour. I really like it.

This was done to lighten the mood for going on holiday soon. I cant wait.

I'm so busy at the moment with packing, I've 2 gigs in the space of 2 days and then have to put up with a long haul flight after, I'm going to be pretty dead..

So just a quick one, I'm off its sleepy time,

Love Abbie XXX

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

The future is near

I'm so excited, I have so many ideas, with leaving sixth form and being given the opportunity to travel round Asia I cant contain my excitement for how this will effect my blog.

I need to write these things down before I forget (This will be for my youtube vlog and blogger blog)

  • Testing of the locals favorite beauty products and remedies
  • Challenges of eating yucky things they have for sale food wise, like insects!
  • A give away featuring the rare things I find on my travels
  • A whats in my suitcase for before I go
  • I am also getting my first tattoo when i'm there- I'm only 16 Whoop!
  • Ahh shit i'm also apparently wanting to take a shower with elephants- that will be fun!
If you have any other ideas, please let me know by adding a little comment to the bottom of this post. Feel free to leave your blog links and I will check them out also

Monday, 1 April 2013

Sunday, 31 March 2013

Its mother fucking easter!

well, its not because if you remember correcty Jesus' mother was the VIRGIN Mary, This is a story we all learnt as a child, however I have different beliefs on Jesus and all that crap (may I just add- I am not religious please don't take offence to my ideas)

I'm going to be creating a video for you of what I think happened between the VIRGIN Mary concieving him and his death.

So look out for a video over the next couple of days. It might be when easters over so it doesnt piss people off!

Yeah! Sorry blog on the go, probably made Nen sense whatsoever!

Saturday, 30 March 2013

H&M program: Don't let fashion go to waste!

Probably not many of few know that some time ago H&M started a 
campaign against waste and damage caused by fashion industry. Thanks 
to Greenpeace, in fact, the Swedish group has decided to revolutionize 
the production system promising to eliminate dangerous substances 
related to the manufacture of its products at the latest by 2020. If you want 
more information about the Fashion duel about Greenpeace for a cleaner
fashion click HERE.
Bring your unwanted clothes to any H&M store. For each bag of clothes 
you hand in, you will receive a £5 voucher to redeem on your next purchase.
Your clothes are sent with our usual deliveries to the nearest processing plant. 
The clothes are then graded and hand-sorted. Zero waste is the goal. Items
that are too worn and torn to be reused will be recycled and turned into raw 
materials and new products. For more info click HERE
H&M has also created a collection of eco-sustainable inside Conscious 
program. There are still many things that could be done, both from H & M that 
from all the other fashion housesHeading in this direction is the right thing to do,
 but the waste and pollution caused by fashion industry is an obvious problem 
that needs to be fought and solved! 
What do you think of H&M program? Give your opinion on this important issue!

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

L'Oreal Elvive Extraordinary Oil

I LOVE this hair oil. It's majorly multipurpose and I use it for so many different things. I run it through the ends of my hair before shampooing to really nourish my ends. I'll also use it through the ends before I blow-dry my hair to stop them splitting and finally I'll use it to smooth down any fly-aways or frizzy strands straight after I've dried my hair. It's amazing purely because it never ever leaves my hair feeling greasy, just wonderfully nourished. The smell is also phenomenal! It literally smells so good. I use the one for all hair types but there is also one for coloured hair which I imagine would be a lot more intense and moisturising. It's also pretty reasonably priced at £9.99 in Boots- HereEspecially in comparison to Moroccan oil and things. I've actually never tried Moroccan oil but I've read a fair few blog posts were bloggers actually prefer this one. I'd love to give the Mythic Oil a try also - any opinions?

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

App Review: CocoPPa - Stylised icons

Recently I've discovered this app called CocoPPa, basically it is an app where you can get customized icons of your other apps. It's really good if you want to make the contents your apple product really colourful and cute. 

It doesn't break your phone or iPad but it might make it slower. It only creates shortcuts to your actual app, therefore in order to keep your customized icon, you have to keep the original app. And also if you want to create one for email or iMessage, you can only put in 1 contact, so if you have several emails or contacts then you have to download one for each.
But this can be turned around, so if you have someone you always contact, then you can simply create a short cut for them.
It's really simple and straightforward to use but if you want a how to tutorial then please comment.

This is how mine looks like.
There are loads more styles and you can also create your own ones!
 (I'll blog it if and when I figure out how to work it) 

Birds Bronze Necklace

Good day everybody! How are you? Even if is raining a lot in These Days, I can feel the smell of spring! 
And this necklace it's just perfect to announce That spring is coming! :)  
It arrived three days ago and I totally fell in love with it.  
Every single part of this necklace is excellent and made ​​the birds are attached between them in order 
to give a dynamic sense to the necklace. 
As soon as the rain stops I 'm going to do a very spring outfits with it! 
What do you think about this necklace? Do you like it? Have a great day! 

Today I was excited to come home to a package with my name on it with this O.P.I Nail Envy polish inside!

I suffer (I make it sound like a disease or something) from very brittle flakey nails. My nails are very short and only grow half a centimetre before snapping, boo! I have heard this polish works wonders for nail strength and growth, it's a miracle! At first I was not keen due to the £18 odd price tag in Boots, then I went on eBay to find it for just under £10 including postage so I treated myself. I ordered it Sunday night and it came today (Tuesday) which is really good! If you would like the link to the eBay seller then just leave me a comment below.
I've been advised by a lovely nail technician today on Instagram that if you apply Nail Envy two to three times a day for three days then start again it works really well, but for now I am using it as a topcoat. I can't wait to see the results!

25 Beauty Questions Tags

1. Do you apply your foundation with a brush, sponge or fingers?
I apply my foundation with a Brush. However I only started using foundation brushes just over a year ago 
and now I couldn't imagine not using them. 

2. Do you apply your eyeshadow from light to dark or dark to light?
I apply the lightest eyeshadow everywhere first then I'll apply the darker eyeshadow from the outer 
lid and work my way inwards.

3. Do you prime your eyes?
I'm guilty of not using eye primer. However it is on my list to buy though, I just need to find a 
good one! Any recommendations?

4. Concealer first or after foundation?
I'll apply concealer first then sometimes again afterwards.

5. Go for manicure or manicure yourself?
I feel I do an awlful job when I paint, my nails they always seem to get bubly, or messed up so 
I would prefer to get them manicured by someone however i'm stingy so, this usually isn't the case.

6. Exfoliate lips, face or both?
I exfoliate both quite often. i do still use sugar for my lips, home remedies, all the way!

7. On average, how long does it take to you to do you make up?
On an average day around 20 minutes but if I'm going out around 40.

8. Do you wear make up everyday and everywhere?
No I'm not too fussed about wearing it all the time and quite regularly don't bother.

9. What release are you most excited about? (make up)
Currently none.

10. What's you weakness? Shoes, purses, clothes, jewelry, eyeshadow, lipstick or other?
Shoes and bags! I'm awful!!

11. Do you whiten your teeth?
Only with whitening toothpaste but I plan on getting a lot of work done on my teeth in the upcoming 
year including whitening. 

12. Wax eyebrows, or pluck?
Pluck, Pluck, Pluck.

13. False lashes or natural?
Natural, sometimes I will wear a pair of false ones on a night out.

14. What do you use to contour?
Ted baker bronzer.

15. Favourite make up brand?
Benefit or Chanel.

16. Liquid eyeliner, pencil or gel
liquid for my winged eyeliner, but gel lasts so long!!! OK NOT PENCIL!

17. Lipstick, Lipgloss or chapstick?

18. Pigments, pressed or cream eyeshadow?

19. If you had to wear only one thing, excluding foundation, what would it be?
Browzings! My eyebrows are naturally white so I have to pencil them in otherwise I look like an egg!

20. Favourite color?
Nudes or very pale pinks.

21. Favourite color combination?
Neutrals and pinks.

22. Natural or Dramatic? (eyeshadow)

23. Do you care more for quality or name brand?

24. Do you enjoy face masks? If so which ones?
I do enjoy them but very rarely use them, when I do I just grab a random one designed for my skin type.

25. Whats your current addiction?
OPI nail varnishes.

My Daily Routine

This post is going to be about my very basic morning routine and what i think about the products. 
The products aren't just make up some are other items.
Really sorry about the terrible pictures!
I hope you enjoy this and it helps you.
Garnier pur Active Anti-Blackhead Deep Pore Wash) Under £4.00
This product is amazing. It really refreshes your skin without making it feel exhausted and like the life has been sucked out of it. After using it for just a little while my face started to get less and less blackheads and my pores on my nose started to be less visible. I haven't had a blackhead in ages but on the down side the small ones i had before aren't leaving but my pores are hardly visibly now! I are not very sure of the price but it was definitely under £4.00 and might even have been under £3.00 which is a amazing deal It does have micro-beads (the chunky thing in face and body washes). I really don't like when body washes have beads because it feels like it is making more dirt on me and is scratches my skin. But unusually i quite like it on my face! I don't know how else to describe it but it just smells..................FRESH.

Boots Tea Tree Witch Hazel Spot Wand £3.56
This spot wand is split into 2 sections, one to put on for the night and the other for the day. You just apply it too your spots. I really like that you don't have to put the cream (it isn't really a cream it is more of a liquid substance)  on your finger because that really annoys me on spot treatment because the dirt and germs on my finger are going on my spot and making it worse and also there is always some left on your hands and if you are putting it on in the middle of the hallway in a busy school, where are you supposed to wash your hands. The applicator is basically a lipgloss brush. It is also really great that the cream is tranparent. The picture is very fuzzy but you can just about make out that one side is darker then the other, the darker side is for the night. When i applied the night cream i was expecting it to be a bit white but it was completely clear. I really like that i can see how much is left in the bottle. I just like to see how much i have left! In terms of if it works, i am really really not that sure! I actually have got a few new spots but i'm not sure if thats because i have been using too much concealer or because my skin had 2 allergic reactions to my moisturisers or because my face masks are irritating my skin. This product hasn't really helped with my 3 massive spots. I think it hasn't really helped my skin so i am going to try and buy a new spot treatment thats about double it's price and a make likeFreederm or Garnier.

Boots Tea Tree Witch Hazel Concealer £4.59
This is my favourite product at the moment. I really wanted a concealer that would hide my spots, red marks and blemishes but at the same time i didn't want it to give me more spots and make my skin really bad. So when i found this i was super excited because it isn't bad for your skin and it actually helps my spots and blackheads. It matches my skin colour really easily and if my skin is very pale on one day then i just rub it in more and it looks un-noticable. It isn't a cream it's a stick-crayon-thingy. It completely hides my makes and i mean COMPLETELY! Right now i have a MASSIVE spot on my forehead and it's gone all red and 'orrible and it is completely covered up and also my blackheads around my nose are hidden too. The down side is that by the end of the day it has come off but that's probably because i am a teen girl and our school gets very hot and i am rushing from class to class and i should probably put more on at lunch. It also helps me to get rid of black heads because it creates a invisible layer which makes them easier to POP!

Collection 2000 Colour Last Clear 11 Around £1.99
I really like this product, a lot because of the packaging but also the product is amazing. I really like the packaging because it is just plain simple. Again you can see inside and see how much is left and it isn't full of writing in fancy fonts and colours, it is just plain: says what it is and says what it does. The mascara itself is really good and lasts for a very long time. When i am having a horrible day and i look horrible i like to put on clear mascaraAND black mascara but on days i am feeling a bit nicer i like to put just clear on so i am not harming my eyes too much for no reason. I rub my eyes a lot for some reason and forget that i have mascara on also i am in a school and as i said before) it gets hot and sweaty and i'm running around but it still seems to stay on.

Eyelash Curlers FREE
This is just a very plain, EASY TO USE eyelash curler. It was given to me by a friend who got given it herself but had no use for it. I love how eyelash curlers make your eyes look bigger and bolder. My eyelashes are very small so sometimes it pinches and makes my eyes water especially on my left eye.

Seventeen Doll'd Up Black Mascara £6.29
I also really like the packaging on this because it is black and has a red lip and a little red and white bow on it. The applicator is really useful because it has a slight curl which makes it easier to put on. TIP: if you have a curled mascara applicator, use the other side to do your bottom lashes. It has one of those de-clumper things when you pull out the applicator which really helps. I do get a few clumps but only small and i can normally brush them out. When i take out the applicator it always comes out with clumps of mascara on the tip of the applicator which is really annoying but i think that might happen to every mascara. 

Rimmel london Stay Glossy in Plum Rocks Lip Gloss £6.29
I really love this lip gloss because it is dark and has a slight bit of sparkle to it. It is quiteDARK so i don't wear it even day. The applicator is really soft and a good, flat shape. It smells wonderful. Sometimes i will put a tiny, tiny bit on and blend it in but i normally wear it with my vintage clothes.
Bourjois Paris Rouge Edition in Fuchsia Graffiti £5.99 
If i just heard the name without seeing the colour i would think it was really bright andELECTRIC but a little bit darker at the same time because fuchsia can be dark. It is exactly what i thought: bright but a little dark at the same time. 
Seventeen Lip Liner in Valentine £2.59
I not quite sure if you are supposed to put lip liner on all of your lips but thats just what i do! It is dry so i have to put VASELINE on top which i don't mind and is actually good because my lips get very dry and i can't wear Vaseline when i am wearing lipstick or gloss. This colour matches everything ad makes my lips look fuller.
Natural Collection Moisture shine Lipstick in Pink Orchid Around £1.99
This product is really really poor. It feels like something a little girl would get in a magazine. It makes my lips dry and it looks terrible. The colour is boring when i thought it was going to be bright but turned out dull.
Collection 2000 Volume Sensation Lipstick in Cherry pop £2.99
This was one of my first proper piece of make up that i had brought with my own money and it has last for ages. It is just simple red lipstick in a black case with a basic pink design on the top. This lasts the longest out of all the lipsticks. It stays on for ages and moisturises my lips.

Rimmel London Eyebrow Pencil (and brush) in Dark Brown £2.99
I don't really use this much but when i want to i only use a tiny bit to add a tiny bit of extra to my look. I think this is too dark for me so i will buy the little shade next time. My eye brows take a lot of care and i basically need to PLUCK them everyday but i don't.   

Nike Suede Blazers in Grey £70.00
This picture was kind of to fill up a gap but i would have told you about them anyway! My heals hurt if i stand still for too long and these shoes help because they are so COMFY!! I am a girl that likes to go bold on everything but this time i decided i wanted normal colours shoes to match with everything.

I really hope this has helped you make some choses or informed you well. I might do a post soon showing what all these items look like on me soon. This post took me a long time to write so i hope you like it!

You are amazing!